This is where our travel blog used to live. We had uploaded over 1000 diary entries and 6157 photos sharing with you six years of travelling.
USA Canada Mexico Belize Guatemala
El-Salvador Honduras Nicaragua Costa Rica Panama Cuba Columbia Venezuela Ecuador Peru Bolivia Chile Argentinien Uruguay Brasil South-Africa Lesotho Botswana Zimbabwe Namibia Angola DRC Republic-Congo Gabun Cameroon Nigeria Benin Togo Ghana Burkina-Faso Mali Senegal Gambia Mauretania Western-Sahara Morocco Spain France Italy Switzerland
Germany Czech France Austria England Spain Portugal Tunesia Libya Egypt Jordan Syria Turkey Iran Pakistan India Nepal Tibet China Laos Thailand Cambodia Vietnam Laos Malaysia Singapore Indonesia Australia New-Zealand
We are exchanging the blog with a
hard-cover book!
And yet, it'll be a hybrid. It will consist of:
- A coffee table book featuring our best photos.
- Plus a completely revised, copy-edited diary sharing our most exciting stories.
- And finally a section that I have been working on for some years now. As you will flick through the photos, I will take you on a journey on which I am retrospectively exploring how certain situations have transformed our lives.
Coming out this year!
Let me know when it's out